Similar words: junior high, high school, highschool, finish school, junior, come hell or high water, school, at school. Meaning: n. a secondary school usually including 7th and 8th grades.
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1, Church league to junior high school to high school.
2, The seventh-grader at Stapley Junior High School suffered migraine headaches and often missed school.
3, Cramming is not confined to the junior high school and senior high school years.
4, He attended a magnet junior high school for gifted children in Los Angeles and spent a year in high school in Reseda.
5, Perhaps he or she was a junior high school teacher who once commented that your writing skills were far below average.
6, A51 Tandragee near junior high school - temporary traffic control in operation.
7, I teach history at the high school and junior high school levels.
8, Her voice had the pubescent innocence of a junior high school majorette.
9, What is your best memory from junior high school?
10, My sister teaches history at a junior high school.
11, What was the name of your junior high school?
12, Datong to keep teaching junior high school class results.
13, When junior high school,[ high school.html] or period of vigorous youth.
14, Mark has been Luke's sidekick since junior high school.
15, He is a teacher of a junior high school.
16, An afternoon Islamic study group he joined during junior high school filled him with purpose, and eventually with anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and an abhorrence of photography.
17, As noted above, junior high school was the only level of education that did not deliver increasing returns during the 1990s.
18, I do not play baseball at Health Junior High School every afternoon.
19, They were stuck on each other ever since junior high school.
20, I can't remember quarreling with him in junior high school.
21, Most of us think the teachers are easier to approach in junior high school.
22, But by the end, when he compared City College to a junior high school, Rudi had a gravely attentive audience.
23, One entire wall is devoted to photographs of the various sixth-grade and junior high school graduating classes she taught over the years.
24, They spend six years in elementary education and three years in junior high school.
25, His extensive collection on transgenderism includes his own diaries as far back as junior high school.
26, Which would be unsurprising, were Mr. Yamaguchi not an evacuee himself, living on a 9-by-9-foot grass mat in a junior high school gymnasium here with 1,000 other people.
27, According to the calculation of chemical formula is a key junior high school chemistry teaching content.
28, Her mother's daughter, she's become quite good at the sport, making the high school varsity team — "the only junior high school kid to do so," as Chua can't help pointing out.
29, Too small nephew of two excellent essay plus, respectively, written after his junior high school on the first quiz of the month and the first class to the class period had only 13.
30, This study measure self control of learning of students in junior high school, which scale is emend by self.
More similar words: junior high, high school, highschool, finish school, junior, come hell or high water, school, at school, in school, old school, go to school, schoolbag, school bus, schoolboy, preschool, schooling, school age, pre-school, prep school, playschool, miss school, school year, schoolwork, schoolbook, schoolmate, schoolyard, schoolhouse, trade school, interschool, after school.